How to make old T-Shirts Rug
So, today we’ll show you How to make Fabulous Rainbow Braided Rugs Using Old Clothing! Flooring is generally a feature that can’t be changed when you’re living in a rental home, and sometimes it may not necessarily be your taste. Or maybe you like it, but you just want to warm up the space or bring in more color or pattern. Learning how to make braided rugs can be easy.
In this instructable, I'll teach you how to make a really cool rug, like the one pictured, from your old t-shirts! For me, this rug did not cost any money because I used stuff I already had at my disposal. This project is a great way to put all of those colorful junior T-shirts to use if you don't want to donate them.
Raw materials:
- 5-10 old T-shirts, depending on how big you want this rug (I used 5.5 for a small bedside rug)
How to:
Step 1: Cut T-shirts
Cut t-shirts into 2″ strips, I didn’t measure exactly so don’t be too fussy about measuring. if you are mixing thinner knits with thicker fabric, cut the thinner t-shirt into wider strips.
Roll your yarn into balls. My thirteen t-shirts made thirteen balls of yarn.
Step 2: Braid it
Work the yarn just like you would braid a plait of hair.It’s up to you if you want to braid and sew as you go along or if you want to finish all the braiding before sewing.
1. With Two pieces of yarn, one that is about 1 yard in length and another that is about 18 inches in length…
2. Stitch the shorter length into the longer length in a T formation like so…
3. Clip your threads and let the yarn roll back onto itself again. Now start the braid by taking the RIGHT yarn OVER the CENTER yarn…
4. And then the LEFT yarn OVER the yarn you just passed into the center position…
5. Then again with the new RIGHT yarn over the new CENTER and continue this…
6. Until you have used up all but 6-8 inches of your length of yarns…
Step 3: Coil it
Start pre coiling your rug. Coil it somewhat gently so it doesn't pucker up into a braided t-shirt bowl (LOL), but try not to let any gaps show from one ring to the next. Pre coiling this braid will help you stay organized while you are sewing and will also give you an idea of how big your rug is going to be/if you need to add or remove shirts.
I was meticulous (read: OCD) about my braid and made sure there was a distinct "top" side and "bottom" side while braiding, so it may be worth mentioning that I pre coiled with the "bottom" side facing up, as that was the side I wanted the stitching to be on.
Step 4: Sewing the Rug
You can choose to sew a Circular rug like Cathy’s or an Oval Rug like mine. And when you are ready we are going to move over to the machine and sew the braid together…
1.Position your braid so it makes a shepherds crook to the LEFT. The bent over portion is about 2 inches…
2. Position this under your pressure foot and set your stitch to a zig-zag stitch as wide as it will go and a medium length. Now begin zig zagging…
3. Continue going around and around, pushing the two edges together until you have a disc about the size of a coaster…
4. Be sure to keep the Feeder braid (what is being fed into the machine) loose, you almost have to give it a slight (very slight) push forward as you press the two edges together. You don’t want to stretch it too much or you’ll end up with a cup instead of a coaster! Slight cupping is normal, but just slight! Your goal, my fearless braiders, is to get your practice braids FLAT!
5. Now go and practice…leave a little bit of a tail at the end to add on another yarn.

Step 5: Lay it
If you got through all of those steps, throw that rug down and relish in your own awesomeness! Whew.
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