Friday, October 14, 2016

How to make old T-Shirts Rug

So, today we’ll show you How to make Fabulous Rainbow Braided Rugs Using Old Clothing! Flooring is generally a feature that can’t be changed when you’re living in a rental home, and sometimes it may not necessarily be your taste. Or maybe you like it, but you just want to warm up the space or bring in more color or pattern. Learning how to make braided rugs can be easy. 

In this instructable, I'll teach you how to make a really cool rug, like the one pictured, from your old t-shirts! For me, this rug did not cost any money because I used stuff I already had at my disposal. This project is a great way to put all of those colorful junior T-shirts to use if you don't want to donate them. 

Raw materials: 

  • 5-10 old T-shirts, depending on how big you want this rug (I used 5.5 for a small bedside rug)  
  • Scissors  
  • Needle and Thread  
  • Sewing Machine

How to: 

Step 1: Cut T-shirts

Cut t-shirts into 2″ strips, I didn’t measure exactly so don’t be too fussy about measuring. if you are mixing thinner knits with thicker fabric, cut the thinner t-shirt into wider strips.

Roll your yarn into balls. My thirteen t-shirts made thirteen balls of yarn.

Step 2: Braid it

Work the yarn just like you would braid a plait of hair.It’s up to you if you want to braid and sew as you go along or if you want to finish all the braiding before sewing.

1. With Two pieces of yarn, one that is about 1 yard in length and another that is about 18 inches in length…

2. Stitch the shorter length into the longer length in a T formation like so…

3. Clip your threads and let the yarn roll back onto itself again.  Now start the braid by taking the RIGHT yarn OVER the CENTER yarn…

4. And then the LEFT yarn OVER the yarn you just passed into the center position…

5. Then again with the new RIGHT yarn over the new CENTER and continue this…

6. Until you have used up all but 6-8 inches of your length of yarns…

Step 3: Coil it

Start pre coiling your rug. Coil it somewhat gently so it doesn't pucker up into a braided t-shirt bowl (LOL), but try not to let any gaps show from one ring to the next. Pre coiling this braid will help you stay organized while you are sewing and will also give you an idea of how big your rug is going to be/if you need to add or remove shirts. 

I was meticulous (read: OCD) about my braid and made sure there was a distinct "top" side and "bottom" side while braiding, so it may be worth mentioning that I pre coiled with the "bottom" side facing up, as that was the side I wanted the stitching to be on.

Step 4: Sewing the Rug

You can choose to sew a Circular rug like Cathy’s or an Oval Rug like mine. And when you are ready we are going to move over to the machine and sew the braid together…

1.Position your braid so it makes a shepherds crook to the LEFT.  The bent over portion is about 2 inches…

2. Position this under your pressure foot and set your stitch to a zig-zag stitch as wide as it will go and a medium length.  Now begin zig zagging…

3. Continue going around and around, pushing the two edges together until you have a disc about the size of a coaster…

4. Be sure to keep the Feeder braid (what is being fed into the machine) loose, you almost have to give it a slight (very slight) push forward as you press the two edges together.  You don’t want to stretch it too much or you’ll end up with a cup instead of a coaster!  Slight cupping is normal, but just slight!  Your goal, my fearless braiders, is to get your practice braids FLAT!

5. Now go and practice…leave a little bit of a tail at the end to add on another yarn.

Step 5: Lay it

If you got through all of those steps, throw that rug down and relish in your own awesomeness! Whew. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

How to make Pyramid Gift Box

Here is a nice DIY project to make an easy-to-fold pyramid gift box. Isn’t it cute? I think I love this gift box more than the gifts inside. 

You can pack it with snacks, candies, stationery and any other small gifts for your family and friends’ kids. If you have school-age kids, there are many occasions for distributing small gifts in goody bags to every kid at school, such as Valentine’s Day and birthday. 

Then these cute mini gift boxes would come in handy. They are so easy to make and you may only need 5 minutes to finish one. You can use different colors of paper to make some colorful pyramid gift boxes. Happy gift packing!

Raw materials:

  • Colored construction paper;  
  • Ribbon or cord;  
  • Ruler;  
  • Pencil;  
  • Scissors;  
  • Hole punch;  
  • Template;  
  • Candies, chocolates or other small gifts.

Pyramid Gift Box Tutorial:

1. Print out the template on a piece of paper and cut it out.

2. Get all the materials and tools ready.

3. Place the template on the colored construction paper and trace the outline.

4. Use pencil and ruler to draw the remaining lines inside the template and cut it out.

5. Fold the edges with the help of a ruler.

6. Folded edges for given images.

7. Punch a hole on each of the 4 tips.

8. Place the gifts inside.

9. Thread the ribbon or cord through the 4 holes.

10. Tie a bow to close the box. This cute mini gift box is done!

How to make Pillow Gift Box

This step-by step tutorial shows you how to make your own pillow boxes, which are great for packaging your handmade jewelry! You can save a ton of money, plus only make what you need. It only requires a few simple supplies, and can make one of these adorable handmade pillow boxes in less than 5 minutes! 

Raw materials: 

  • Thick Paper  
  • Ribbon or Colored string  
  • Pom - Pom (optional)  
  • Scissors  
  • Pencil  
  • CD  
  • Empty Pen  
  • Eraser  
  • Felt or any thick and soft fabric  
  • Triangle

How to: 

Step 1: Get all the materials and tools ready. Let’s start!

Step 2: First, take a sheet of paper and place it horizontally on a table. The side of paper facing you will be inside the box. Then, put a CD in the left top corner of your paper. Leave a distance from edges.

Step 3: Take a sharp pencil and mark center of your CD on the paper.

Step 4: Now, using a triangle, draw rectangular lines going through previously marked point. The triangle has to be placed along the edge of the paper. The lines should be longer than diameter of the CD.

Step 5: Place the CD back on the paper (with marked point in the center of a hole) and draw a circle with a sharpened pencil.

Step 6: Again, using a CD, draw half circles based on the points where circle and lines intersect. These shapes will form the sides of your gift box.

Step 7: In the last quarter, draw a full circle using the bottom and the right points of intersection between the previous circle and rectangular lines.

Step 8: Using a triangle, draw rectangular lines inside second circle. In this case, lines are based on the points where two circles intersect.

Step 9: It’s time for drawing half circles in all quarters of the bottom circle.

Step 10: Scissors time! To make the cutting part more comfortable, leave some margin around.

Step 11: Now, cut out the whole shape. Try to be as precise as you can.

Step 12: Take an empty pen and score every curved line using a CD. Place a piece of felt under the cut-out shape – it will help you in scoring the lines.

Step 13: You’re almost done! You just need to fold every single side shape of the box.

Step 14: And form a shape of the box.

Step 15: Add a ribbon or decorative, colored string.

Step 16: And a pom-pom.

Et voilà! Your fancy Square Pillow Gift Box is ready to be given to someone special.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers

Tissue paper flowers are so easy and inexpensive to make and add a huge impact to a room. Today I thought I would share my tutorial for Tissue Paper Flowers. You can make 2 of them in 5-10 minutes and they cost 50 cents each! Can’t beat that.

This is the perfect craft for people who say “Oh I’d love to make that… but I’m not crafty.” Trust me. You are crafty enough to make these. 

Raw materials: 

  • Tissue paper in your favorite colors. You will need 10 sheets of paper per flower. 
  • String -OR- yarn -OR- fishing line -OR- pipe cleaner -OR- probably even a twist tie… anything that you can tie around the tissue paper. 
  • Scissors.

Make Tissue Paper Flower: 

Step 1: Count out 10 sheets of tissue paper and lay them out stacked on top of each other on a flat surface. The shorter side of the tissue paper should be facing you as pictured.

Step 2: Accordion fold your tissue paper making each fold approximately 1 inch wide. Fold all the way to the end of the tissue paper. (The above picture is the halfway point… keep folding until you reach the end of the paper.)

Step 3: Tie the string around your tissue paper at the halfway point of the paper. (Most tissue paper will have a crease, if not just eyeball it or if you want to be more exact fold your tissue paper in half to see where your string should go.) Double knot your string.

Step 4: Cut your petal shape out of each end of the tissue paper. (I have the same rounded shape cut out of the opposite end of the tissue paper that disappears off of this photo.) You can cut different shapes depending on what kind of flower you want to make. A rounded petal looks like a peony or rose. Round with slits looks like a chrysanthemum. A triangle looks like a dahlia. She also layers different colors of tissue paper and the result is beautiful.

Step 5: One sheet at a time start gently separating and fluffing your flower. Work gingerly so as not to tear the tissue paper.

Step 6: Work back and forth from one side to the next.

Step 7: And quickly a flower will start to emerge!

Step 8: Voila! Your finished flower.

Now decorate with them. Hang them around the room, use as a centerpiece, make a focal wall, or line them up along a pony-wall and around the birthday cake like we did at Turtle’s Birthday party. We made these flowers for my sister’s wedding, and the result was beautiful.

How to Make Beautiful Flower Pot (with 3 simple ways)

Method 1:

Raw materials: 

  • Potting soil 
  • Kate Fabric Patterns 
  • Milk glue 
  • Scissors 
  • Brushes

How to: 

Use a basting brush 1 glue onto the reverse side of the fabric and on the outside of the pot.

You paste outer fabric into the pot, cut along the edge of the fabric tassels on pots and perineum.

Continue you apply adhesive paste tassels on the perineum and inside pots. Finally, you spread out the fabric glue to dry out and plant a tree in the offline.

Method 2:

Raw materials: 

  • Terracotta Pots 
  • Many Newspaper Photographs 
  • Painted black 
  • Milk glue 
  • Scissors 
  • Brushes

How to: 

First, you need to clean the outer surface itself pots. Cut the newspaper took the pictures you like.

Do not attempt to smear glue into the pot and then paste the image, paste the image overlap veiled outside the basin. Then, you add 1 scan outside the glue to dry layers of paper anymore.

Finally, you use black brush 1 class in the border around the pots to dry as done. 

Method 3:

Raw materials: 

  • Wooden pots 
  • White paper 
  • Colored acrylic 
  • Brushes 
  • Scissors

How to: 

You white paper cut into a heart shape as a template. Draw up the pots heart-shaped paper form.

Use a paintbrush to color inside a heart-shaped green to dry. Next, you fill the blue border around the pot again is completed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to Make Crepe Paper Flowers

Crepe paper is easy to work with and creates realistic flowers that are perfect for gift toppers or placed in a vase during spring. Crepe paper flower make three different types : 

1. Tulips

2. Daisies

3. Peonies


Raw materials: 

  • Crepe Paper rolls in 4 different colors 
  • Floral Wire 
  • Floral Tape 
  • Scissors 
  • Cotton Ball

1. How to make Tulip Stamen:

To make the tulip's stamen, cut a 1x1-inch piece of yellow crepe paper.

Roll a tiny ball of cotton in your fingers and place in the middle of the crepe paper square. Stick the end of the wire into the cotton ball (image 1)

Stretch and fold the crepe paper over the cotton ball and wire (image 2).

Twist the edges of the crepe paper around the wire, and use floral tape to secure (images 3 and 4).


Twist the floral tape around the crepe paper and wire so they are seamlessly connected (image 5).

Cut Tulip Petals:

To make the tulip petals, cut a 4-inch wide strip of crepe paper. Fold the edge of the strip up 4 inches (image 1).

Continue to fold the strip onto itself to be able to cut more than one petal at a time 
(images 2 and 3).

Make Tulip Petals:

Cut the tulip petal templates out of the paper you printed them on, place on the folded crepe paper (image 1) and cut them out. Cut 4 inner petals and 3 outer petals. Flower petals should always be cut with the grain of the crepe paper running vertically. 

Hold the top of each petal between your thumb and forefinger and stretch the crepe paper open to make the petal look more realistic (image 2)

Arrange the inner petals around the stamen (image 3)

Each petal should slightly overlap the one next to it (image 4)

Secure the petals with a strip of floral tape (image 5). Arrange the outer petals by overlapping each one, and secure with floral tape. Wrap the floral tape all the way down to the wire to create a seamless look.

2. How to make Daisy Stamen:

To make the daisy stamen, cut a 2x6-inch piece of yellow crepe paper with the grain running vertically. Fold the crepe paper onto itself.

Cut slits into the top 1 1/2 inches of the folded crepe paper to create fringe (image 1).

Hold the end of floral wire up to the edge of the fring(image 2).

Wrap the fringe around the wire, and secure with floral tape (image 3).

Cut Out Daisy Petals:

Cut a 24-inch piece of crepe paper, and fold the edge in 4 inches (image 1).

Continue to fold the crepe paper until it meets the other end. Print out the daisy template, and match the bottom edge with the bottom edge of the folded crepe paper (image 2).

Cut straight across the folded crepe paper near the top of the template, then cut around the template. Cut down between each petal (image 3), and unfold the crepe paper (image 4).

Complete Daisies:

Line up the stamen with the edge of the petals (image 1)

Wrap the petals around the stamen, crimping and pleating as you go (image 2)

Secure with a long piece of floral tape once all petals are completely wrapped (image 3)

Give each petal a realistic shape by pulling apart the crimps near the top of each one (image 4)

Pull down the petals so the stamen is visible (image 5).

3. How to make Peony Stamen:

To make the peony, roll a medium-sized piece of cotton into a ball. Cut a 2x2-inch piece of pink crepe paper (image 1)

Stretch the crepe paper over the cotton ball, and secure to the wire with floral tape (image 2)

Keep stretching and wrapping to create a seamless look with the wire (image 3).

Make Peony Petals:

Cut a strip of 4-inch wide crepe paper and fold into a 4x4-inch squares. Lay the peony petal template onto the crepe paper folds, making sure the grain of the crepe paper is running vertically on the petal. Cut out 25 petals (image 1)

Use your fingers to stretch apart the crepe paper folds along the top of each petal to make them look more realistic (image 2)

Crimp the bottom of each petal (image 3).

Complete Peonies:

The innermost petals of the peony should be laid out with the stamen near the top of the petals (image 1)

Arrange 3-5 inner petals (image 2), and secure with floral tape. 

Continue to add petals in a circular motion around the stamen, and secure with floral tape every few petals. Add the last petals near the bottom, and wrap floral tape down to the wire (images 3 and 4).

Complete Peonie (image 5).

Display Paper Flowers

Display the paper flowers in vases together or separately, or use the flowers as eye-catching gift toppers.